Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I selected overnight shipping on the order I placed yesterday, its not here today, what happened?

A: The shipping method selected during the checkout process indicates the time in transit once the order is actually shipped, but does not specify a ship date. If you need your order to ship on a certain date, or arrive on a certain date, make sure you let us know so we can work to make that happen.

Q: My order has already shipped, can I still change the delivery address?

A: No. Once an order is shipped, it can only be delivered to the original delivery address. You cannot change the address, have it sent to another address or a drop box location. If for some reason the original delivery address is no longer valid, the order will have to be returned to us (at additional cost) and re-shipped to the new address (at additional cost). It's important to make sure the address is correct when the order is placed!

Q: Can you ship my wines to a PO box?

A: No. All shipments require a person over 21 to sign for and receive the package. They will not accept a signature release. The US Postal Service has rules regarding alcohol that prohibit them from handling wine shipments in any way, so we cannot ship to a post office or PO box.

Q: Do I really have to be there to sign for the shipment?

A: Yes. All shipments require a physical person over 21 to sign for and receive the package. They will not accept a signature release or note to just leave it on the front porch.   Valid government issued photo ID is required.

Q: I selected “Please hold my order until more satisfactory weather is available.” during checkout, what happens next?

A: If you choose to have your order held due to poor weather or some other reason, they will process the order and send over a copy of the order to your email for your records. If you made a note to ship on a specific date they will contact you when it gets close to that date to confirm the shipment. If you did not make any other notes they will hold the order until the weather is safe for shipping to your location and then send you an email to set up a specific ship date.

Aabalat considers the weather to be safe when its generally above freezing (32) at night along the expected delivery route for winter weather and when its below 80 during the day. 

Q: What does “Aabalat” mean?

A: Absolutely nothing. When the company was being created they were looking for a unique name that would appear at the top of the paper directories which were sorted alphabetically like phone books - the internet had not yet been dreamed up! They didn’t want to do something like AAAA Wines, so they came up with Aabalat.

Q: What does the insurance on my order cover?

A: Insurance covers physical loss or breakage of the package. Insurance does not cover any weather (hot or cold) related damage.

During times of extreme heat, the bottle can get hot and cause the bottle to leak or the cork to be pushed out. This would not be covered by insurance. During extremely cold weather, the bottle can freeze and shatter the glass or push the cork out, this also would not be covered by insurance.


Q: Do you ever substitute vintages if the one I ordered is out of stock?

A: No. We never substitute a vintage you ordered for another vintage. If the vintage you ordered is out of stock we will contact you to see how you wish to proceed. 

Q: Can you add ice packs to my box?

A: Yes! Ice packs can be added to the following boxes: 2-pack, 4-pack, 6-pack, 8-pack, 12-pack.

1-pack and 3-pack boxes do not have any place to put the ice packs.  

It is important to know that many types of ice packs last less than 24 hours - even when the ambient temperature is at 55 degrees sitting on the bench here in the warehouse. If you have an overnight shipment or maybe even a 2 day shipment they can make a difference. If you have a ground shipment that spends 4-5 days in transit, then ice packs might not help too much since they will likely be melted during the first 24 hours.